Probably not interesting to any of you. But confirming my commitment to earning your money. I joined a swim squad in Flitwick recently. Wow! I thought I could swim! But discovered something quite different. So Yup - I will be earning anything you pledge.
Two weeks ago in the swim squad we were taught drills ( swimming with fins on/off, clenched fists, one arm, this, that, etc, and trying not to drown), blimey, I took on some water (Think - Mr Blobby!).
Last week we had to swim as fast as we could. Forever. (Well it felt like that) - p.s we pay for this treatment! (I think there are some questions about crimes against humanity out of Guantanamo Bay, that are comparable! - Controversial!), Anyway, I have 10km to swim. In a river. The Thames. F**k.
Please Sponsor me. Pls. Glug, glug, glug...
Blimey. Here we go again.
I entered the London Marathon Ballot - Declined, I entered the London Ride 100 miles Ballot - Declined, I entered the Grafman 2016 Full Ironman Triathlon - Cancelled.
I was going to do any /all of these just for fun.
But after the setbacks, I pondered that every time I do a triathlon, I think after the swim "That's my favourite bit done." (i.e admitting to myself that although I crave them, cycling and running do not really set my world on fire). So today I decide to enter a 10KM River Swim.
The furthest I have ever swam in 1 go in my life is 3.8km. Last year for Ironman (which of course was followed by a short 190km cycle and a mere 42 km (Marathon) run.
So a little push of over 2.5 times my maximum swim distance ever make's me feel like it's worth asking for a bob or two from you lot.
For those who are local - 10km is about 303 lengths of Robinson pool. So I'm going to give it a go - but in a River.
I don't have a target for sponsorship. But if anyone is happy to sponsor me for my chosen charity - children with leukemia - PLEASE Give what you can.
Thank you Mark x
I have thought long and hard about this and it’s a dilemma.
Everyone I know gives. They give all of the time – in drovesand I am proud of all of you, just because you do.
So, I am standing here contemplating how can I ask to giveagain?
The honest answer is I cannot. But please.
But you all know me and “cannot” is just a challenge whichreally does not sit comfortably with me.
Because a part of “cannot” is “can”. Which is what I am interested in.
I am putting this out there because I am taking on the physicalchallenge of my life. Which I have no doubt in my mind about completing. Butnot without compromise. I have the support of my wife (thank you babes!), mykids (at 6 & 8 strangely enough get it), and with ironic humour of those Isee daily – who think I am a bit of a tit!
Why – two reasons. 1 – I met Felix from Oz in 1992 who wasan Ironman and straight away I wanted to be an Ironman – So he inspired me. 2.When Megan was born I was too fat to play with her in the garden, without needing rest after 2 minutes. Just wrong.
So I simply cannot do an Ironman just for me (which is where was until now). I have to ask you to put your hand in your pocket. (Raw - I'm sorry). I am already training and I will not let you down. I will be swimming 2.4 miles,then 112miles on a bike then a full marathon 26.2 miles, back to back in less than 17 hours. Its 140.6 miles in total and I’m looking for a tenner per mile.
I know well over 140people so if just some of you can stretch to a tenner, it would really motivateme to get up and swim, bike, run on those cold dark mornings ready for July 19th 2015. I can assure youthat to complete this I have to put in over 10 times the hours so I cross thefinish line.
So who benefits? Tough one as there are so many worthy causes out there. If you look at this and think – great, but I have bigge rpriorities, that’s fine. But any money I raise, will go to children with leukemia.
Thankyou for reading this and thank you so much if youchoose to sponsor me. I will not let you down.
With Love.