Thank you for visiting my fundraising page supporting the works of Catholic Charities Atlanta!
What draws me to support Catholic Charities Atlanta is the diverse list of available services they provide including Legal Aid for Immigration, Refugee Support, and helping Veterans connect to resources. CCA provides services to individuals and families who are struggling in the community and helps them to become self-sufficient— last year 92% of those served were low income and 61% lived in poverty.
"Catholic Charities Atlanta provides supportive services that enable families to overcome barriers and achieve self-sufficiency."
--Catholic Charities Atlanta Mission
As someone who seeks out civic engagement and volunteer opportunities, being a part of an organization that is designed to help build lives has been an extraordinary opportunity. I was honored to have been selected as a member of the 2020-21 Catholic Charities Atlanta Leadership Class. This has been an exciting opportunity to grow spiritually and professionally as servant leaders through educational events, service opportunities, networking, mentoring, and fundraising with Catholic Charities Atlanta.
Through your donation to my Fundraising Page, you are supporting leaders like myself in the Catholic community to continue on in these works of leveraging our experiences, services, and partnerships to move families out of poverty once and for all.