Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page!
I've finally booked the challenge of a lifetime in aid of Pancreatic Cancer UK.
With your help I hope to raise money that will go towards doubling the survival rates within the next 5 years and changing the NHS experience providing extra support for patients and families who are affected by pancreatic cancer.
To put it into raising just £55, this could give support to one patient, family or carer affected by pancreatic cancer. £100 could pay for a days research into new treatments, improving existing treatments and controlling treatment for side effects. Raising £1000 could pay for 10 nurses to attend training, updating their knowledge and expertise to support those affected.
Over the next 10 months I will be sharing news, photos and videos of fundraising events, aswell as some of the training and practice hikes I will be doing in preparation to climb the highest free standing mounting in the world!
Thank you for your support and wish me luck!