Would you send your child to a school where the classrooms are:
Riddled with rotten timber
Holes in the floor
Noise levels not conducive to good learning
So poorly insulated that children are getting chilblains from the cold and some are wearing 3 layers of clothing despite the many, many additional heaters
No? Well unfortunately that is the case for years 3, 4, 5 and 6 at Sytchampton Endowed Primary School, near Ombersley in Worcestershire
As a school community we are trying hard to fundraise for new classrooms as we receive no support whatsoever as we are a voluntary aided school. So far this academic year we have raised in excess of £6,500; not bad for a school of 103 pupils but it's not enough - not by far.
We have until Friday 25th Feb to find an additional £20,000 to cover 10% of the cost of the build. Please help if you can!