After what has been a difficult year for both of us and for many others around Plymouth and Devon, we both came to the decision to face our biggest fear and to do something that we never thought we would ever be able to achieve, to do a skydive on the 4th September!
Working within the welfare team at Stoke Damerel Community College has inspired us to show our students that no matter the cause or how big or small their anxiety may feel that they are strong enough to overcome their fears and build resilience.
Our students are already eager to watch us scream as we fall 0-120mph in 10 seconds from 10,000 feet followed by a 5 minute parachute ride because of course we will be showing the evidence the following week at school!
For 70 years Young Devon has supported the most vulnerable and at risk young people within our county though mental health support and housing issues. The hopes and dreams of the 4,000+ young people that we work with every year sit at the centre of everything that we do. Our sole aim is to help young people across the county thrive and l've safer, happier and healthier lives. With your help and support we can do this!!