I am taking part in Get Active for GFS (Girls Friendly Society) . From 16th to 31st May I will try to be as active as possible and to raise funds for this confidence building charity for girls and young women, so that I can support vulnerable girls from deprived areas of England and Wales reach their full potential.
How will our fundraising help GFS?
£5 donation would help: provide a group with a book about diverse women role models for them to base activities on.
£10 donation would help: provide funds to cover resources for a group activities.
£20 donation would help us: pay one weeks hire fee on an accessible venue for one of our groups.
£32 donation would help us: cover the difference between what we charge for one month of sessions and how much they cost us to run.
£40 donation would help us: allow us to waive one month of fees for a GFS girl who would not otherwise be able to attend.