As most of you know my mum passed away in 2007 after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease. The Motor Neurone Disease Association provided great support both financially and emotionally to my mum whilst she suffered with MND for 18 months, I'd like to make sure other sufferers continue to get the same care.
It's been a while since I last did some fundraising for the charity (with a successful afternoon tea!) so I thought it was about time I committed to an event worthy of your funds. I'm not a natural runner (probably more of a reluctant runner), so at the beginning of the year I chose the The British 10K London and I've been doing my best at training up since (see photos for evidence).
The big day is on 13 July and your donations now will help get me to the finish line. Here are few ways your money will be well spent:
- £15 buys an adapted cutlery set.
- £50 funds laboratory equipment for a day's research into finding the causes of MND.
- £150 operates the MND Connect support and information line for half a day.
A massive thank you to everyone who donates, supporting a brilliant charity and cheering me on to the finish line!