I am in training to run the Brighton 2015 Marathon in aid of Macmillan.
Many things have happened in 2014 & continue in 2015:
The arrival of Arthur Wilkinson-Hunt - my nephew
The arrival and departure of cancer to my mother's door
The arrival of cancer to the lives of my sister in law's family
My starting a journey into the wonderful world of Ashtanga Yoga
All of the above deserve / demand the respect and dedication of a clear
mind and body so why not spend my weekends running and Yoga'ing and
sprinkle a little Fairy Sportsmother dust onto the world?
Got a bouncy new pair of shoes from Saucony, some of the most beautiful parks in
the UK to explore and good music for company.
Running is freedom. Although I will reserve the right to withdraw that last comment at miles 20-26!
Having spent some hours with my mother in the chemotherapy unit at Guy's
Hospital in London it became apparent how invaluable Macmillan are in
their work. Nurses, counselling, massage, helplines and more are
provided by way of charitable donations. So please dig deep as the
battle is far from over.
much love,