So this Easter me and Molly my 6 year old daughter will be paying tribute to the best man who has ever entered my life and one of the only who has touched hers.
My dad and my first true love, Ronnie Taylor who after being taken from us from a harsh and traumatic case of colon cancer in March 2006. I'm sure for the past nine nearly ten years has been the the most stubborn and ironic angel, laughing at me from above watching me make my mistakes, smiling at me as he has watched me grow as I have learnt from them and maybe shedding a little tear as he has watched me bring my little girl into the world telling her story's of what having my dad around was like for me.
So to pay our tribute, we wanted to do it in a way that he would truly understand, appreciate and respect! Although all details aren't down in stone yet, the idea is that we will over a week, be walking the 96 miles across the West highland way from Milngavie, north of Glasgow to Fort Williams Ben Nevis, following this I will catch up with one of my old oppos to climb the three peaks is under 24hours! Ben Nevis, Scaffel pike and snowdon!
I have picked the route for many reasons, first and fore-mostly it will take me and my daughter closer to my natural home and a place i fell in love with when I was her age but It will give me the chance to share with her some of the beautiful scenery and hopefully heartfelt moments that I shared with my dad growing up. Leaving behind the TV, IPads and encouraging us both to appreciate each other in a way that most of the population forget how to these days and making memories together that should be a clear reminder to people why those are what stays with us after the years pass us by!
Of course the walk itself will be a challenge, but more so for me anyway will be stripping my daughter back to basics and taking her on the journey not recommend for that of her age and helping her appreciate what she dose have and why sometimes living and appreciation mean doesn't Dora the explorer or the Disney channel but sometimes you can find smiles in achievement and love in more meaningful things in this world, respect for oneself and love of doing things for other people.
Hopefully with me making a single toast with the random strangers we meet along the way on his behalf with a good malt and laying part a little of his ashes at rest every night of our adventure together.
"To Absent friends and those at sea"