Kate Bainbridge

In Memory of Katherine McIntyre

Fundraising for Alzheimer's Research UK
raised of £1,000 target
Donations cannot currently be made to this page
In memory of Katherine Mcintyre
We stand for everyone affected by dementia to find a cure


We want to do this for many reasons especially as we want to help raise vital funds for those suffering from this horrible disease. We want to raise awareness and help raise the funds needed for research so eventually we can slow down the effects or stop them all together! We hope you will join us! 

Our inspiration to do this is Katherine McIntyre, mother to Joey from New Kids On The Block, who has been part of our BH family for many years. Sadly she lost her fight to Alzheimer's last November.

We want to help keep her memory alive and are setting up some great fundraisers to do this. 

Some facts about Alzheimer's Research and the work they do:

  • Dementia affects over 850,000 people in the UK and numbers are increasing
  • Around 36% of the UK population know a close friend or family member with dementia
  • At £23.6 billion each year, dementia costs the UK economy more than cancer and heart disease combined  
  • £20 could fund one hour of vital research
  • £50 could provide access to specialist equipment for studying cells
  • £120 could support complex protein analysis
  • £300 could pay for a genetic test to help identify risk genes
We hope that you will join with us to raise money for this worthwhile cause and the work they do!


About the charity

Alzheimer’s Research UK is the UK’s leading dementia research charity. We’re striving for a cure, by revolutionising the way we treat, diagnose and prevent dementia.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £12.50 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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