**I DID IT! 20 hours later and 50km swim is DONE! Thank you so, so much for all your amazing support. I could not have done it without you!!
To celebrate WWF turning 50, and the Launch of our Blue Mile swimming event in London I am hoping to do my own version in Scotland - 50KM. This will take around 17 hours if I'm lucky, longer if I get cramp or my arms fall off.
All WWF-UK staff are fundraising this year for our 50th birthday, and all proceeds are going to our Western Gray Whales programme - only 130 are left worldwide.
I know many of you have sponsored me many times before and I am eternally grateful! If you could find it in your heart to sponsor me £1 per charity that would be amazing and just the price of a Starbucks.
I have two seperate pages - one for WWF and one for Ataxia UK. It would be great if you could split your donation to both but it does mean donating twice. If not, please pick one you feel most passionate about! The links are below and Ataxia UK is the one with AUK at the end of the url.
Don't forget to tick YES to Gift Aid, unless you live abroad or don't work. Won't cost you a penny.