What's better than the sight of one bespectacled beanpole slogging their guts round 26.2 miles? Nothing! That's right. After last year's Manchester Marathon effort with esteemed fellow runner P Craggsy, I've decided to give it another go, this time in Liverpool on 29 May. Craggs couldn't be bothered this year so it's down to me to test my brain and feet. Thankfully Britpop stalwarts Cast are playing at the finishing line so that's something to look forward to. Just goes to show that God loves a trier.
As such I'm endeavouring to raise some dosh in aid of the Refugee Council who we ran in support of in Manchester last year and would of course be eternally grateful for any monies we could prize from your grip. The charity need all the funds they can get to support refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. At a time when these groups are under increasing pressure in the media, through government austerity policies, and in the war-torn areas of the world, the Refugee Council delivers a range of specialist projects to support refugees. This includes: employment and move on advice; therapeutic support; destitution services; support for separated children whose special needs are not covered by mainstream services; and our work to achieve a fairer and more humane asylum system.
More information on the work the Refugee Council do can be found here:
Thank you for all your support.