Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Finn was born on the 15/10/2011. 13 weeks early and weighing 2lbs7oz.
102 days, two operations, 7 blood tranfusions and a whole lot of stress and worry later, we finally brought him home.
This is my way of saying thankyou to Derriford Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) who looked after Finn (and us).
I will be riding the Dartmoor Classic on the 24th June 2012 . This is a 106 mile ride across Dartmoor that will take somewhere in the region of 8-9 hours with 10,000ft of climbing. I will be joined by my brother-in-law Richard Griffiths, and a couple of friends, Adam Bidwell and Rob Orchard. I'm hoping they'll keep pushing me along when I've run out of go.
Seeing as the furthest I've ridden to date is 40 miles, and its only 2 months away, its going to take some training, some good shorts and plenty of cake.
Anything you can donate to help me reach and maybe exceed my target will be gratefully recieved.