When I was 15 my mother was diagnosed with cervical cancer. She didn't want to tell me, and it broke my heart when she did. No one wants to hear the word cancer, especially when you're young and its your mother whose saying it. She was very ill and never told me just quite how ill she was, she told me that it was all fine because they had caught it early, when the reality of it was that she was really quite sick. However, she stayed strong, didn't drop a tear and got her way through it. Despite having a full time job, her family life and cancer, somehow she just made it. Didn't even think about how exhausted she was and still looked after us. This amazing, strong woman, who I am so proud to call my mother won her battle with cancer and is now 3 years into remission. Both myself and my mother are very passionate about cancer research and believe that one day there will be a cure for cancer. I think what I've learned from my mother is that there is hope for everyone and that no matter how bad it gets you'll get through it fighting. She's my inspiration and so I let her choose which charity I will run for. There was just no question. Cancer research do some amazing work to help families everywhere. Their research will help us advance and your donations will help fund research for everyone suffering with cancer. Please support and donate to cancer research uk to help families everywhere fighting cancer. You'll make the world of difference. Thank You.