Easter Sunday 12/04/20 10:00am
Zoom LINK: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/867782800?pwd=TG8vdmRTZHBrV0QvU1VheTBHMU5lUT09
Meeting ID: 867 782 800
Password: 060191
Very simple. My friend Jon suggested performing a workout dressed up as wrestlers... so here we are! Three things can be achieved. A workout improving our wrestling skills, 2. raise money for Mind, a charity helping those with mental health issues in Newham and Tower Hamlets. 3. Physical exercise will improve our own mental health!
All we ask is if you could donate, share (adults only) and get involved!
Please download Zoom if you haven’t done so already on android or apple device and ensure you’re connected into the room 10 minutes before the workout. Please warm up appropriately before we start the wod as we have a 30 minute time cap and will start promptly. Please upload on Instagram #canyousmellwhatthecrossfitiscooking your best outfit and Judge Jon will award the winning costume.
Thanks guys, good luck and see you all Easter Sunday at 10:00am
Wrestler Wod Steve Austin 3:16
Complete and your time is the winning score.
3 movements, 16 rounds
Entry 100 air squats
1. 6 burpees
2. 12 press ups
3. 40 DU/80skips/80 star jumps
Exit 100 air squats