(Spanish here)Here's a video I've created to tell the story.
I believe in Bridges for Music projects and their mission as I've seen how music can change peoples lives and how young creative minds in the slums of South Africa have found their path in life thanks to their support. I also believe in the values of Burning Man as one of the biggest movements in the world to create positive change.
Thats why I want to unite both and help raise money for their first music school in the township of Langa (Cape Town, South Africa). This school aims to bring a space for kids to share their passions and develop their creative skills, whether its music , graphic design or video editing. Kids in Langa are often attracted by gangs and there is so much hidden talent that we believe a space of this nature can become a safe home base that empowers them for building a brighter future. We also believe in the power of music to empower them and give them a drive in their lives. - Find more info about the project here .Starting from Fairfield (California), I'll be cycling first 160km passing through El Dorado up until Tahoe lake, where I'll be doing a 6k swimming. Then, I'll get back to the bike and I'll cycle 307km, passing by Reno to Pyramid lake. The last stage will get me running 100km to Burning Man, at Black Rock desert. Why I'm doing this? To support such a meaningful and powerful project and hope spread the word so I can reach you.
We aim to raise 20.000€ for start making the school an amazing reality. However, if at one point we'll reach 73.286€ we could build the entire music school! -
Important note: 100% of the donations we'll go directly to the charity project, no commissions, no fees and no profits. This is not a campaign for funding my challenge, it's a campaign for making positive impact.
Creo en los valores de Bridges for Music y en su causa, yo mismo he visto como la música puede cambiar la vida de una persona y ayudar a jovenes artists de los townships (barriose marginales ) de Sudáfrica a encontrar su camino en la vida. También creo en los valores de Burning Man para crear cambio positivo.
Esto es por que quiero unir ambos y ayudarles a recaudar dinero para construir la primera escuela de música en el township de Langa (Sudáfrica). Esta escuela pretender convertirse en un espacio en el que los niños de estas zonas puedan estar a salvo de las bandas callejeras y los habituales problemas de estas zonas, mientras comparten su pasión y desarrollan sus sueños en el campo artístico.
Saldré desde Fairfield (California) haciendo 160 km de bici, pasando por la reserva de El Dorado para llegar al lago Tahoe donde haré 6km de nado para luego volver a subirme a la bici para los 306km de bici que me llevarán hasta Reno donde afrontaré los últimos 100km de running hasta llegar al corazón de Burning Man. Black Rock City (Nevada). TOTAL: 566km non-stop
Esperamos recuadar 20.000 eur pero si recaudamos más, se podrá hacer algo mejor y con financiación para los próximos años para funcionar. IMPORTANTE: El 100% de las donaciones van a la causa, ya que yo corró con todos los costes del reto (vuelos, coche apoyo, etc. )