We have optimistically, but with some apprehension, signed ourselves up for a Sprint Triathlon at Dorney Lake, Eton on Saturday 2nd July. This involves a 400m swim in the lake, followed by 20kms on a bike, topped off with a 5km run. Our primary aim to complete, but, if training goes really well, maybe we won’t be the last over the line!
We are fund raising in memory of John Leaver (my father, Francesca’s father-in-law), who died 2 years ago. He had suffered from Parkinsons disease for over 12 years and therefore our chosen charity is Parkinsons U.K. We feel that we would like to help this charity in both its search for a cure and for all the support it provides sufferers, their carers and families.
Parkinsons is a progressive neurological condition which affects 1 in 500 people in the U.K., most of whom are over 50 yrs. However, 1 in 20 sufferers are young.
The brain of a Parkinsons sufferer gradually stops producing dopamine causing a loss of nerve cells and therefore the ability to send messages to parts of the body. The resulting physical symptoms are slowness of movement, tremor and stiffness. Other associated issues which make everyday life increasingly difficult are: pain, anxiety, depression and extreme tiredness.
Symptoms of the disease can be controlled, or at least eased, with the use of dopamine replacement drugs, but there is currently no cure. Research funded by Parkinsons U.K. is making great strides in revealing vital clues as to the causes, and is pioneering new innovative ways of tackling this horrible disease.
If you would like to join us in supporting this very worthwhile charity, we would be extremely grateful if you felt able to sponsor us in our Triathlon challenge.
With love,
Iona and Francesca x