I'm delighted to be running the London Marathon for a second time.
I had the best time the first time around and want to share the
experience with Graham, who is also running.
I'm running in support of Rainforest Concern. Preserving green spaces is important to me and for the future of our planet. It's vital to keep our rainforests healthy and biodiverse. They also have projects in Colombia which is extra special to me. Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries and deforestation and mining are big threats.
Please help me in supporting this wonderful charity so that they can continue their mission of protecting threatened natural habitats to preserve the biodiversity they contain, together with the indigenous people dependent on them for survival.
At present, Rainforest Concern has worked on over 30 conservation projects with 21 partner organisations and have helped to protect over 2.2 million hectares of threatened forest.
Their conservation work falls into four categories:
- Direct conservation involving the protection and management of forested land to create protected reserves.
- They defend the rights of indigenous people and communities local to their projects to protect their land from unwanted agribusiness, road building & mining.
- A key part of their work is to deliver environmental education workshops to children local to our projects, as well as to the wider communities.
- Through facilitating scientific research and monitoring they better support the case for nature when habitats are threatened by extractive industries.