Felix, (aged 8) and I, (aged 10), are running the Race For Life this year because Mummy was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2013. We thought we had beaten Cancer! Get lost Cancer - Loser!
This year we found out that the Breast Cancer has come back in a bone in her back. Mummy needs to have a lot of treatment to be able to handle it. It hurts her a lot and normally she would be running it with us, but this year she can't as she's had an operation to get the cancer out and she can't walk far just yet.
I have run it three times so far, and Felix has run it twice. This would have been Mummy's 9th Race, and she's upset that she can't take part. Luckily, we have lots of friends who are going to run with us.
We enjoy running so it's good to be able to raise money for Cancer Research by doing what we enjoy.
We want to raise money to help find a cure for Cancer and find more treatments for Mummy to keep the Cancer under control.
I'm joining Cancer Research UK's Race for Life this year. Please join the fight by digging deep and sponsoring me - it's quick, easy and totally secure.
Events like this are vital in funding Cancer Research UK's life-saving work into preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer. By sponsoring me, we can unite and create an army that cancer can't ignore. By sponsoring me, we will beat cancer sooner.
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Sponsor me now, and help me show cancer that hell hath no fury like a woman in pink.