Compleated in 25 Hours
We take children from detention centres to public schools, (no more than two from any organisation on a trip) and mould them into a team during a week sailing 70 foot yachts. In addition we are the largest provider of offshore sailing to the disabled in the UK. In total we take around 1,000 young people with little or no experience sailing each year. I have been helping the RSP for 37 years
For details go to,, (or Google Hugh Francis)
Please give generously, it is truly remarkable the benefit some kids take home with them
On one of my weeks we took 10 14 – 15 year olds sailing for 7 days on a 60 foot ketch (the smallest of our three boats). I would mention four of the kids to give you an idea of what the project achieves
For one of them it was the first holiday she had ever had. The school offered camping trips in years 7 & 8 but her mother had not been able to afford the £45 for her to go and her parents have never taken her on holiday.
The next had been as self imposed mute until two years ago. This trip was the first time she was seen laughing.
Another had a family with money but they believed he should earn any money he spent. In addition the parents had divorced and his mother has decided to go to university. Every morning he has to get his three step brothers & sisters up, and do three paper rounds before going to school. Then, when he come home, he cooked for the children. The school sent him sailing for respite care.
Another is mentally challenged. At the end of the week she tied on a fender. I was really proud of her when she refused my help and insisted in tying the knot herself.
This was just one of the 100 or so voyages that the RSP make every year.