You can watch "Love Is' Here 8.30pm on the 21st June (or after)
Hannah Brine says:
“We are really pleased to support the local food bank, this pandemic has been incredibly challenging for so many people, so we hope we can do a little bit to help.”
“It has been an absolute joy to hear this piece of music come to life and I'm so glad that the singers have got so much out of this experience, albeit virtually. Music really is a lifeline throughout the pandemic for so many. I am incredibly thankful to technology for allowing us to continue to make music together, and I hope many more enjoy listening to the choir's performance.”
Elizabeth House is a thriving, multi-purpose, community centre in the heart of a socially diverse neighbourhood in Islington. Highbury Vale Blackstock Trust is the resident-led charity that owns and manages the centre, with the aim of improving local residents’ quality of life, connecting people together and meeting the needs of some of the most vulnerable residents.
Elizabeth House Says:
Unfortunately, many local residents continue experience poverty and food insecurity and the Food Hub still supports an average of 170 local residents (approx. 70 households) on a weekly basis. Through community organising and a strengthened community outreach team, Elizabeth House is building on its crisis response work to focus on a more dignified, community-led and inclusive model of support, bringing lasting solutions to critical issues that worsened during the pandemic."