In Loving Memory of Greg
Fundraising for Montefiore Medical Center
Fundraising for Montefiore Medical Center
As many of you know, Greg was an amazingly vivacious man who was naturally the life of the party. We were all so very lucky to have known him.
In his honor, please consider a donation to the Pediatric Oncology Early Phase Clinical Trials Program at The Children's Hospital of Montefiore. Greg was always a staunch supporter of my work, and it was actually one of the first topics of conversation when we met. He always wanted to help support the work that I do and thought that helping to raise funds may be a way that he could provide this support. He was my biggest cheerleader and encouraged me to take the opportunity to create this program, which provides access to novel treatments for children with cancer. I can think of no better way to keep his memory alive and honor one of his most fervent wishes.
With your donation, please share your stories and memories of how Greg touched your life so that we can continue to carry his legacy forward.
If you are having any trouble with donating internationally, please donate through this link instead: Support Montefiore Health System - Greg Power
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