Can you help us ‘Wrap it Up for Gold Dust’ this Christmas?
As we reach the final stretch of our fundraising journey with the Gold Dust Appeal, we’re very excited to launch our Christmas campaign.
We've been overwhelmed by the generosity, efforts and goodwill of individuals, patients, colleagues, teams and businesses, supporting us every step of the way towards our target of £100,000.
We now want just one more show of support for the appeal, as it comes to an end, and we’re asking: ‘Can you help us ‘Wrap it Up for Gold Dust?’’
You can do this in many ways please see our website to give you some ideas and inspiration!
If you'd like to know more about the appeal or would like to fundraise further for us please call 01752 432425 or contact us at we'd love to hear from you.
Thank you for your support!