Hi all! Wary that I’ve spent the last two years pestering people for marathon sponsorship, I thought I’d mix things up this year and do something a little more challenging…
From March 10th 2024, I’ll be running 29 half marathon in 29 days, ending on Brighton Marathon day which’ll be my final two! That’s over 600km in less than a month.
Why? Because 1 in 29 children aged 5-16 have experienced the death of a parent or sibling - that’s at least one in every classroom.
Winston’s Wish are there to support bereaved children and families when it matters most. I can speak from experience to say the right support at this time can have a massive effect, and all kids in that position should have the opportunity to access those services when needed.
They’re a small but special charity. Please do give generously to a fantastic cause!
Tom x
Please note this is my fundraising page from previous marathons. I have opted to keep it open for this challenge for new donations. £4,395 raised previously.