Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
Two years ago, my grandad sadly passed away from Dementia. Living with this disease for many years was not easy; not only for grandad but also everyone else. My dad was such a great support for him and without him being there, things would not have been as they were. With the help of the Alzheimer's Society, many carers and Woodgates (a dementia care home) my grandad lived very happily until he passed away.. These people do so much for Alzheimer's and Dementia patients - so much that goes un-noticed, but means everything to the sufferers and their families.
Having raised over £700 doing my bungee jump in 2012, I decided I needed a new, bigger, better challenge!! So a skydive it is!
I know some of you may not have loads of money to donate, but even a tiny amount would go towards something that could really help!
''£12.50 could enable one caller to the Alzheimer’s Society Dementia Helpline to receive the advice and support they need.
£50 could pay for a PhD researcher for a day to continue vital research into understanding the causes of dementia.
£100 could pay for a brain scan for a participant in a clinical trial to help improve diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.''
I hope you will be able to help me raise some money for this fantastic charity who help to support many people, just like my grandad. :)
I know some people raise a certain amount and pay for their dive with it, but ALL the money I raise will be going to Alzheimer's :)
(If you wanted to sponsor me but not over the internet, I have a form and I will be collecting sponsor money too)
Love Emily xx