Thank you for visiting my fundraising page. I ran 5 marathons in 3 months in memory of my Dad who died last year aged 66 from Alzheimer's disease. In the absence of a cure or effective treatment people with dementia and their families really could do with more support. YoungDementia UK is a small charity; and the only one that provides dedicated support for younger people and their families, from diagnosis to beyond bereavement.
I started running 2 years ago using a 'couch to 5K' phone app. Since starting marathon training at the start of 2013 I've run over 850 miles. Here is how I got on:
No. 1 Worcester marathon, 14 April - 3 hrs 50
No. 2 Stratford marathon, 28 April - 3 hrs 52
No. 3 Edinburgh marathon, 26 May - 3 hrs 46
No. 4 Coombe Abbey marathon, 30 June - 4 hrs 27
No. 5 Tenby marathon, 14 July - 4 hrs 25
PLEASE give generously to support this excellent charity, and help me beat my target and enjoy a well earned rest. Many many thanks!
Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity and make sure Gift Aid is reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer. You can also donate by texting ELIZ55 £1, £2, £3, £5 or £10 to 70070 with no charge from your mobile phone provider.