Many of you will know that Amy (26.06.89 to 10.04.24) and Dan (07.07.92 to 23.09.20) lived their lives with a rare genetic condition, Sanfilippo Syndrome - a severe disability leading to a total dependency for all their needs for most of their lives.
The average life expectancy for children with this condition is just 16 years. Daniel lived until he was 28, and Amy 34! We have lived for many years caring for them and look back with much joy and thankfulness to the Lord for each day of their lives.
While there will now always be an Amy-and-Daniel-shaped hole in our lives, we rejoice for Amy and Dan, now free from pain and suffering and in the presence of Jesus. We look forward to the day when we too will be with Him.
The fantastic Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People close to our home in Loughborough has been a big part of our lives for over 25 years. Their care for them on short respite breaks, and support for our family has been amazing. The end-of-life care for Dan during his last three weeks was beyond outstanding. We could not have asked for more.
Join with us as we try and do a little something to provide support for Rainbows as they care for many families like ours.
The Donegani family
(You can watch the Service of Thanksgiving here)