Let's stand together and help those most in need while we're all kept apart

CoroMOvirus Challenge · 1 April 2020
The Coronavirus is at the forefront of all our minds. The very real threat of sickness, isolation and services closing requires an urgent response. People are already struggling to make ends meet, and those who can't afford to miss work are the hardest hit. With schools closed, families relying on free school meals will need extra help. Energy bills are soaring for people who are forced to stay in isolation, and self-employed and people on zero hours contracts are unable to earn for weeks, and probably months. Many of those in the greatest need fall 'through the cracks' of the government's various emergency policies, and are desperate.
The CoroMOvirus Challenge is simply this - to experiment with a beard or moustache at home during the lockdown and to share the experience if you can on twitter.com/coromovirus (@CoroMOvirus #coromoviruschallenge), with a minimum entry fee on here of £10. It would be great if you, and/or your friends, and/or the friends of your friends etc etc could join in, so please share this page with them too. Hopefully those not joining in the challenge might be willing to encourage you by supporting Turn2us.
Maybe, like me, you've never considered it an option growing a beard or moustache in normal life (even in November!). A few days into the lockdown I realised that we’ll never again (Iet’s hope!) have the opportunity to experiment at home for such an extended period of time. So I’ve started growing a Brad Pitt (in my dreams!), which may evolve into a Leonardo diCaprio or a Jonny Depp (yeh - also totally in my dreams, I know), though more likely I’ll end up with a Rab C. Nesbitt (youngsters will need to google that one!) - let’s see what happens!
And let's face it, those who currently sport a moustache or beard are already in on the challenge, so they can enter and join in to!
Turn2us are working hard to provide as many people as possible with crisis grants and to make sure that they are able to answer every call to their free helpline.
£30 - could keep their helpline running to meet the increased demand of people facing an immediate loss of income by being unable to work.
£50 - could enable a parent to give their children healthy meals when they can't have free school meals.
£70 - could feed a family or pay an urgent bill following a job loss.
Charities pay a small fee for our service. Learn more about fees