I’m raising money in aid of Guild Care who run the Bradbury Wellbeing Day Center for those living with Dementia and their carers.
My Mum really loves the Bradbury Center and attends regularly, doing everything from singing to crafts to plays and so much more. It’s entertaining and stimulating for her and helps enormously with her emotional wellbeing. She says people understand her there, it doesn’t matter that she can’t always finish her sentence or gets in a muddle.
Sadly since lockdown restrictions and not being able to go, the lack of stimulation and not being able to get out with her family has contributed to a deterioration.
So after being inspired by my step daughter Cathy who braved the shave recently I thought I’d join her with a buzz and to make a small contribution to the service who so amazingly supports my Mum and Dad.
The Bradbury Wellbeing Center
My Mum is in the little film On their website 😊