Motor Neuron Disease is a disease that takes the lives of approximately 5 people with in the UK every day.
It also hit the Manfreight family when Chris Slowey Senior. (the founder of Manfreight) was diagnosed, later passing away. Chris Slowey junior continued on the company and with the 6th anniversary of his fathers passing, Chris wants to take the leap of 10,000 feet in memory of his father to raise as much as possible to help those faced with the disease.
Chris and two other members of the Manfreight team; Conor and Sarah, will jump to raise money for the MND Association; the only organisation in Northern Ireland to offer support, assistance and care for this disease. This organisation works tirelessly as will we to help raise as much as we can. Please help us to give back and make the lives of others that little bit easier.
Thank you for your support!