Did you ever agree to do something and then wonder what on earth you were thinking?
This is one of those times.
At 6:00pm on Friday 31 October, I and my Lockdown compatriots will be locked in the disused Lloyds Bank Building in the underbelly of Manchester City Centre to raise money for Forever Manchester.
We will be completely cut off from the outside world. No phones, no Twitter. We will work in the pitch black with Ghostbuster Stuart Marshall to investigate the paranormal activity deep underground and finding out exactly what or who has been haunting the tunnels in the heart of the city.
I have to keep reminding myself this is for charity.
Escape is possible.
Those who raise the most will escape the Hellhole quickest and will be whisked away to the Forever Manchester Halloween Ball at St Peter’s Church in Ancoats.
The final person who remains will be there, on their own, for 30 minutes.
I’d really, really, really, rather it wasn’t me.
Please. Pretty please with a cherry on top. Give generously.