Thanks for taking the time to visit our JustGiving page - here is Dean's story and inspiration:
It isn't one of a lifelong ambition, more of a missed opportunity of youth!
As a budding new wave wannabe Punk Rocker in the early to mid-80's I wanted an Electric Blue Mohican haircut.....Mummy and Daddy said "Not while you live under our roof" or something similar....time then moved on and the said haircut wasn't deemed appropriate for the British Armed Forces! Who knew?!
Whilst having a family chat the other day I was trying to raise the spirits of a thoughtful 10 year old and mentioned that this was a very unique time and we should try and make the most of it. I mentioned that Dad being home at 5.30 in the evening was a good thing (not really sure I got the reaction I was after but that's another story) and mentioned a few other positive outcomes.
I then went on to suggest we should look to do something that we may not ever get the chance to do again or even something we wish we had done in the past.....I then mentioned the haircut!
The 10 year old just raised his eyebrows, the 12 year old excitedly pledged her next week's pocket money, and my wife promised divorce, stating a Mohican of any colour on an overweight 53 year old just sounds completely wrong!
And here we are.....!