We have just 2 months left of our first Charity Fundraising ‘Quarter’ (February, March, April). Our target is £3500.
Sounds like a lot? An impossible mission? NO!
There are 725 of us. If each of us raises just £5 before April 30th then we can clear that target.
It doesn’t matter what you do – get together with some mates and raise £100 or go it alone and raise a fiver. Get your family and friends to sponsor you to shave your head or see how long you can keep a football in the air.
Bake cakes or biscuits and sell them to your colleagues or pledge to make all your workmates tea for a week.
Happy to make a fool of yourself? Spend the day in fancy dress or a wig or a ridiculous hat – just make sure people are paying for it!
There will be a charity tuckshop box at each site filled with products, just make a donation and
grab a tasty treat.
It doesn’t matter what you do –just do what you can and help reach that Quarter One target.
Please join in on our charity activity days..
Dress in Green & Yellow Day - Thursday 17th March
Bake a Helicopter Day - Wednesday 23rd March
Big or small, masterpiece or mess – make a tasty helicopter-themed bake…
Swear Box Day - Tuesday 5th April
Make those frustrating moments a bonus for our chosen charity…
Skip a Treat Day - Monday 25th April
Good for your waistline AND good for the WAA…
The Air Ambulance team are on duty up to 19 hours a day, 7 days a week to help provide medical assistance as swiftly as possible in an emergency.
Over 1100 missions in 2021
Response time: Anywhere in Wiltshire within 11 minutes
They respond to road accidents, sports injuries, cardiac emergencies and many other life-threatening situations.
Wiltshire Air Ambulance is a charity that provides an essential Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) across Wiltshire, Bath and surrounding areas. It needs to raise £4m a year to continue saving lives, but is not directly funded by the Government and receives no National Lottery funding, so relies on generous public donations.
Let's help them to keep saving lives.