In November 2020 the Scout Association announced the sale of Downe Activity Centre, an 86 acre woodland and open grassland site in Kent. Friends of Downe Activity Centre (FoDAC), a group of likeminded people with a broad skillset came together to form a charity to save the site. The Scout Association trustees unanimously agreed to sell us the site and give us a limited time to raise the necessary funds.
We want to protect this site and preserve the incredible history that lies within. At the same time, we have a mission to look forward, to the astonishing breadth of activities and community-led events that Downe can host.
Now more than ever, our young people need avenues of adventure and access to space to grow as individuals. A whole generation has been affected by changing routines, lockdowns and reducing social interactions during a critical life stage. This has led to an increase in associated mental health issues in adolescents. We feel, and the research agrees, that there has never been a better time for outdoor adventure with friends and Downe is the perfect place for that.
The site is also home to one of London’s largest Ancient Woodlands which must be conserved for future generations to enjoy.