First of All I would like to point out that I am in fact super lazy and if this was not a good cause I would probably end up saying my leg was sore and not doing it. 10k is alot but hopefully if I keep training I can get a good time. I will keep posting here about my progress probably using loads of excel charts. Yeah that admin course had to pay off at some point.
Alzheimer's Disease is probably the worst disease that a good proportion of us will get in our life time. I watched my grandfather Joseph Mcarthur slowly die from this disease and it is probably the worst thing that I can imagine. If any money raised can help a cure be found a little bit faster then I feel it is well worth it.
However charities like Alzheimer Scotland are doing work to address the problems of Dementia in several areas:
- They support Dementia Advisors across Scotland who provide support and advice to those with Dementia and their families as well as connecting individuals to local groups and services.
- Provide specialised Dementia Nurses in every health board within Scotland who work closely with other NHS staff to improve understanding and awareness of dementia.
- Operate a free Dementia Helpline (0808 808 3000) which provides advice on a wide range of financial and legal matters as well as advice on how to maintain independence.
- Conducts research at the Alzheimer Scotland's Dementia Research Centre which is working towards developing new drugs for the treatment and curing of dementia.