Thanks for taking the time to visit my JustGiving page.
I'm setting up this page to raise some much needed financial support for The SWAN Project in Montpelier, Bristol.
I have worked at SWAN for over 5 years now and have had the wonderful opportunity to work alongside some incredibly kind and hardworking therapists as well as the privilege of working with a number of brave and courageous clients.
Currently as you're reading this, myself and all my fellow therapists have been working extra hours during the Covid-19 outbreak to move everything online. As you can imagine this has caused a lot of disruption and anxiety for everyone involved both therapists and individuals using the service.
Extra hours are having to be worked and more expenses paid for administration to put this all together. Whilst the move seems to be manageable so far, some clients will inevitably have to drop out of therapy because they just don't have the living environment they need to receive online therapy.
Naturally this is causing a drop in our charity's income, with possible future dips as this all continues. If you would like to give a donation of your choice we would be so humbly grateful to you.
Warmest regards,
Amanda and the SWAN Team x