When I was three months old, I contracted meningitis. The young, newly qualified ‘stand in' doctor who visited our house had never seen meningitis in a young baby, so because he was unsure, he drove my Mum, Grandmother and myself to Farnborough Hospital (now the PRU) in his own car - where I was indeed diagnosed with meningitis, treated with antibiotics and given 24 hours to see if I would survive. I probably owe my life to this doctor who acted so promptly, plus the NHS hospital staff and the researchers who have studied the treatment of meningitis - and I am truly grateful.
On Sunday 28th April I plan to the run the Virgin London Marathon 2019. This is something I have been applying to do for around 10 years. I was lucky to get a ballot place, but I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to Meningitis Research Foundation for the work they do. I don't have a set target amount to raise, so anything we donate will be great and I hope you will support this cause with me - it would be amazing if we could help to prevent anyone dying or suffering from meningitis.
Very many thanks!
Alison x