Three Peaks, Two Weary Legs, One Willing Heart…………..
On 4th May I will be taking part in the first of my two personal challenges for 2013 - The Yorkshire Three Peaks with some of our L&D gang. The route is 26 miles and covers the peaks of Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough. Once I have learnt the correct pronunciation of the peaks (let’s just call them what they are – mountains) my next challenge is to climb / hobble / crawl over them in 12 hours. Training has commenced and the family are working on a stock pile of plasters, talc and water proof clothing along with the cross trainer positioned in our living room for the coming weeks!
However I need your help. The only way I can get through this is the knowledge that I am raising money for a well deserving charity the team have selected:-
© Rubens Retreat who are going to open a retreat in the North West of England where families from across the UK who have children with life-limiting or life-threatening illnesses can take respite breaks and time to relax, recharge, remember and rebuild.
Finally, if you see a slightly dishevelled woman limping along the streets of Henley muttering the lyrics to “I Will Survive” with the stench of deep heat trailing in her wake please give her a sympathetic nod, a kind word and a tenner. Should you prefer to cross to the other side you can use this site…….