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We provide emergency food and support to local people referred to us from across East Lothian who are experiencing severe hardship. No one should have to choose between the essentials. We are a local foodbank & are part of a nationwide network working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.
East Lothian Foodbank Registered charity number SC043523
"In memory of Jim Jamieson"
Maggie donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Your dedication to East Lothian Foodbank is truly inspiring! Thank you for making a difference and motivating us all!"
Sarah and David OConnor donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"Donations raised by volunteer team at Repair Cafe East Linton to support the great work of East Lothian Foodbank. "
Fixing for a Future donated
£255.00 + £63.75 Gift Aid
"Thank you for everything you do. Keep up the good work! "
Anonymous donated
£500.00 + £125.00 Gift Aid
"Thanks for all your hard work. Merry Christmas"
Linda D donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"We held a club social night recently and always give 25% of our profits to different charities. Our chosen charity on this occasion is the East Lothian Foodbank. All the very best for Christmas. "
£90.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Joanna Holmes has raised $444.48 so far
I'm We are raising money for Joanna Holmes because we hope to help people who are impacted by Covid.
Kay Scott has raised $288.59 so far
I'm I am making some non medical face coverings for Kay Scott because They are providing food for people in need.
Raymond Simpson has raised $257.67 so far
I'm I'm going to send you a musical video every week for Raymond Simpson because more people than ever need your help.