About 1ST Hayle (Phillack) Scout Group
Established 1st May 2010 and enjoying a resurgence over the past 5 years we now have 68 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, and share our building with our District's, if not Cornwall's newest and a rapidly growing Explorers Unit. So we have set ourselves the challenge of giving our hut a refurbishment so that the facilities are fit for the 21st Century; as well as undertaking some essential repairs, not least relaying the floor which is close to failure.
Therefore for our 110th Birthday we would like to be able to progress instructing a builder so that we can have a building with facilities for wheelchair users and improved facilities so that we can hold camps at the Hut and provide the safest and best possible experiences for the existing and next generations of Scouts in Hayle!
If you wish to assist with the campaign or have a fund raising opportunity, feel free to approach Richard Benwell.
1ST Hayle (Phillack) Scout Group Registered charity number 291956