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WORLDwrite is the education charity which set up the pioneering online Citizen TV channel WORLDbytes. We provide free film training to young people, ensuring they can produce programmes which question the way the world is & champion the best for all.
WORLDwrite Registered charity number 1060869
"Wishing you unsung heroes at World Write all the best for the festive period and a prosperou New year! Keep up the amazing work you do, we are forever grateful!!"
Dieter donated
£200.00 + £50.00 Gift Aid
"Have a great 2023!"
Rune & Denise donated
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
"Best wishes for 'go-the-distance challenge'."
Jenny Cunningham donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
"For Ghana"
"The solidarity project is a great project. I am looking forward to the film. "
Nathalie donated
£20.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Keep up the good work"
Dan Travis donated
£200.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Ceri Dingle has raised $3,238.94 so far
I'm I'm doing the 48hour-go-the-distance challenge! for Ceri Dingle because this documentary is worth going all the way for
Ceri Dingle has raised $3,073.84 so far
I'm We're doing a danceathon for Ceri Dingle because we need more young Sadhvi's to change the world
ROBERT HARRIS has raised $1,967.00 so far
Jobs for Ukraine! Help fund fab UK charity internship for Hleb and Lada
Andrew Hirst has raised $1,605.40 so far
I'm I am shuffling for Hleb and Vladlena from Ukraine for Andrew Hirst because it's a great cause and a couple of great people
kate moorcock-abley has raised $864.39 so far
I'm to raise money for paid interns fleeing Ukraine for kate moorcock-abley because I want to help.
Alison Small has raised $749.68 so far
I'm Dancing for Alison Small because