Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.
As some of you will know, I ran the London Marathon in April 2008 for Leukaemia Care - it was an experience I will never forget & the generosity of my family, friends & colleagues at RBS in Leicester meant that the total amount I raised was just under £5000 which was far more than I ever expected. Thank you so much. I met the guys from Leukaemia Care at the end of the race & they were so appreciative of the amount we raised & what they could do with the money.
So, what am I doing now? Well, Leukaemia Care offered me the chance to run for them in the New York Marathon & I decided it was an opportunity I could not afford to pass up. I have been very lucky to have been well enough to carry on my running & training & decided that I should take up their kind offer while I felt well enough to do so - it also meant I could try & raise some more funds for a charity that you all know is very close to my heart.
For those of you that don't know why this charity means so much to me, I was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder when I was 30 years old & Leukaemia Care supported me & my family through a very difficult time. The support they give to patients & their families is invaluable & I wanted to repay their kindness & support.
So please give genorously - I am sure that I will be hanging up my marathon running shoes after this race & stick to the more sedate half marathons from now on!