Well it's GameBlast15 and Twinfinite are at it again, streaming ourselves into a stupor for your enjoyment. In support of SpecialEffect, our streamer James Knack will be dipping his toes into Dying Light, Shadow of Mordor, Evolve, and numerous other games for 12 hours a day, every single day (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) starting at 8am EST/5am PST/1pm GMT. This might change if he gets bored or turns into a zombie, but for now that's the plan.
We aren't going to ask for the world of you. All we ask is that if you enjoy watching us stream, you take a little time to consider how much gaming has changed your life. Think about what the world would be like if you couldn't use your console or PC to play your favorite games.
Thousands upon thousands of people around the world face this problem. SpecialEffect gives those with severe disabilities an opportunity to dip into our much-loved hobby of gaming and get out of it the joy which many of us take for granted.
SpecialEffect help people with disabilities to play video games. By using technology ranging from modified games controllers to eye-control, they’re finding a way for people to play to the very best of their abilities. But they’re not just doing it for fun. By levelling the playing field, they’re bringing families and friends together and having a massively positive impact on inclusion, confidence and rehabilitation. Find out more at