So, somehow I've signed myself up to do a sponsored trek and tiger conservation project in India in October 2018.
The trip will involve:
4 days of trekking in the Lesser Himalayan range of Northern India reaching altitudes of up to 2842m and walking approximately 14km per day, taking around 6-8 hours, freshening up at rivers or streams along the way.
3 days in the Kanha National Park located in Madhya Pradesh state to learn about, and get involved in, some of the various efforts which are made to conserve the environment, especially for tigers. This may be assisting with the removal of weeds, planting trees and habitat maintenance, and possibly helping with a tiger conservation lesson at a local school.
I'm doing this to highlight the plight of our dwindling tiger population worldwide, while raising much-needed funds for their tinier domestic cousins cared for by Cats Protection in the U.K.
In order to do this I need to:
• Get fit (eeerrrhhg)
• Overcome a fear of hole-in-the-ground facilities (eeeeeuuuugh)
• Practice walking way further than pub to cosy-pub in the Yorkshire Dales (oooowwww)
• Raise £3995 - that's around a pound per wild tiger left on this earth - that's around a pound per wild tiger left on this earth. Per tiger. A pound.
It would be lovely if you could sponsor me in the usual monetary fashion, but I would also very much appreciate:
• Items to sell at car boot sales
• Books of any sort (except rude ones!)
• Any tiger/cat related items such as cuddly toys, clothes, books...
• Your time to help with any wacky ways I come up with to try to raise money
• Your children's time to help with any wacky ways I come up with to try to raise money
• Your wacky ideas to help me to raise money!
• I will probably try to peddle a variety of cakes, so if you could buy them that would be ace!
You can now donate by texting TIGI55 and the amount (£1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10) to 70070 to sponsor me today.
Any support gratefully appreciated x