Thomson Reuters Cycling Club is aiming to cycle the equivalent distance of at least once around the globe for charity within the time period of 80 days. This means the minimum distance we are aiming for is 24, 902 miles.
Thomson Reuters employees are logging every mile they cycle during this 80 day period. Whether it be training, their commute to work or pedaling away in the gym.
We want to raise as much money as possible for the Thomson Reuters Foundation
Emergency Information Service. Which is deployed in emergencies to help those affected by natural disasters get the information they need to survive and recover. From lifesaving advice on how to purify water or spot the early symptoms of cholera to help understanding what services and compensation are available means to get fast, practical and actionable information to survivors.
So get co-workers, friends, family, anyone you want to donate money towards this worthy cause in recognition of the mammoth task we are undertaking. It’s up to you to how you raise money. Whether it be a set amount per mile you cycle, or a donation to our total. Point generous donors here to contribute.
Everything you could want to know is going to be on our blog
here. If you want to see how we are getting on check it out.