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We're a Christian aid and development agency, following Jesus to the places of greatest need to respond to disasters and help communities unlock their own potential to overcome poverty. We won't stop until poverty stops.
Tearfund Registered charity number 265464
"I pray your work continues, and blesses yet more and more people daily."
Anonymous donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Jonathan Rea has raised $14,473.90 so far
I'm Let's make HymnTIme's Birthday a great day for Jonathan Rea because of their excellent "Recover Together" Appeal
Leah and Iwan 24-Yemen has raised $6,543.95 so far
I'm We are walking the borders of Yemen in 24 days for Leah and Iwan 24-Yemen because 24 million people in Yemen need humanitarian aid
Running for Haiti has raised $5,970.48 so far
I'm I am part of a team, running over a 24 hour period for Running for Haiti because I want to bring restoration to Haiti
Music for hope has raised $4,164.35 so far
Sophie Jones Emerging Influencers Fundraising Challenge
Ivy MEN has raised $3,479.57 so far
I'm We are testing our collective endurance for Ivy MEN because we are a community of mercy, standing with others
Tarian Cymru ... has raised $2,957.61 so far
Tarian Cymru: Ni Yw Y Byd (Yemen)