Thanks for visiting our team fundraising page and for all your goodwill and support during the past three years. Your fantastic generosity is raising those much needed funds for Cancer Research UK; over £120,000 so far! Read all about Inspired Living at
For 2012 Inspired Living will focus its energies on continuing to run the event which raises the most funds for CRUK, our Continental ride. We are planning to cycle to Istanbul over two legs; the first leg will be this September from home to Venice. We are calling this our 999 ride since we’ll be passing through 9 countries, and cycling over 900 miles in 9 days. In either 2013 or 2014 we will complete the second leg from Venice to Istanbul, via whichever countries are considered safe at that time. Our Inspired Living riders will have not just cycled end-to-end through France, Spain & Italy but also will have cycled from the UK to Asia !
So please dig deep and donate now by sponsoring an individual rider or the 999 team as a whole.