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The AWF has collaborated with the Millennium Elephant Foundation in Sri Lanka.

We want the elephants here to have the best life possible. We are fundraising to help build an enclosure for the elephants, allowing them to socialise and lead more natural lifestyles. Within the enclosure the elephants will have 325100 feet to roam around and have 24 hour access to the river. The enclosure will also provide 'musth' pens, in order to prevent them from harming themselves during these times of increased testosterone. With this enclosure comes a whole new life for the elephants at the MEF. A life where they are free to make their own decisions, play and socialise.

The enclosure will cost around £50,000. So any donations are hugely appreciated.

Thank you from the AWF and the MEF, from our volunteers and a special thank you from the elephants!

Our goal is to help make the MEF a centre for concern and action for Asian elephants across the world. The Asian Elephant is listed as endangered with some estimates putting it as less than 40 years before extinct in the wild.

Along side being a center for Asian elephant conservation, we see the collaboration as a focus for fundraising to save the species.


 The Asian Elephant:

Not only a cultural & religious icon, but a flagship species for Sri Lanka's biodiversity, the number of Asian elephants is drastically declining.

At the turn of the 19th century there were nearly 12,000 elephants in Sri Lanka, but today the total is estimated to be around 4,200.

Once roaming across most of Asia, the elephant now exists in small fragmented populations & is listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.

The major threats facing its survival are poaching for ivory & meat, habitat loss & degradation, domestic use & captivity, and increasingly more important - the human-elephant conflict.

Hundreds of humans & elephants die each year as a result of the human-elephant conflict, & today, this is the Asian elephants greatest threat. For more information on the human-elephant conflict see:

In order to raise awareness of this conflict, AWF & MEF volunteers will walk 454km across Sri Lanka with an elephant named Pooja.

To support this project please dig deep & help us make a difference.

To be a part of this conservation initiative, volunteer with us & experince all that Sri Lanka & its nature has to offer!

To follow the progress of this project visit our blog:

For more information on the AWF Asian Elephant Project, contact us:

Wayne & Halina

AWF Asian Elephant Project Coordinators


Remember: Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving - they'll never share them with anyone or send you unwanted emails. Once you donate, they'll send your money directly to the charity. They'll make sure Gift Aid (an additional 28%) is reclaimed on every eligible donation by a UK taxpayer, too. That means more money goes to the charity, faster, with JustGiving.

So please dig deep and donate now.

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Raised: 9%

Team target: £50,000.00

Raised so far: £4,302.34

Team members

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Member photo Name Fundraising progress Raised so far
Fundraiser icon

Millennium Elephant Foundation

Millennium Elephant Foundation - Freedom Fence

13 donations



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Emma Thompson

Emma's MEF Fundraising

3 donations



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Jean-Baptiste Pouchain

The elephantastic fundraising!

15 donations



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Georgina Wykes-Sneyd

Anything not related to elephants is irelephant.

18 donations



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Wayne & Halina

Elephant Enclosure - Wayne & Halina Walk to Care 2012

27 donations



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Wayne & Halina

Wayne & Halina climb Mt Teide for the Millenium Elephant Foundation 2011

9 donations



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Kerri McCrea

Kerri's page

30 donations



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Katie Liddle

The Liddle's Vs Hadrians Wall and Adams Peak

14 donations



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Jodi Thomas

Jodi's Nellyphant Fund

16 donations



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Stella Weweler

Stellas EleFund

1 donation



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Chris Statham

Freedom Fence for the Millennium Elephant Foundation

5 donations



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Sally Welburn

AWF Asian Elephant Enclosure- Sri Lanka

1 donation



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Siobhan Anderson

Adams Peak Challenge!!

2 donations



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Grant Ellis

Grant's elephant page!

1 donation



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The Atlantic Whale Foundation

AWF Elephant Enclosure

0 donations



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