Lana Olivia Attwood, was diagnosed with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy aged at just 6 months old. Due to the exceptional staff and work at the Evelina Childrens hospital, we were able to experience a further ten months with Lana, seven of which were actually spent living at the Evelina hospital whilst waiting on a heart transplant for her. The last ten months of Lana's life were filled with very up and down situations - this was made bearable by the most dedicated team of consultants, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff that we were privileged to meet throughout Lana's care.
A team of us are climbing (hopefully to the summit!!) Scafell Pike on the 25th May 2013. This climb is in memory of Lana, to her strength and fight that she showed, raising money for this amazing hospital - specifically for the Paediatric Cardiology section of the Children's Heart Fund through Guys and St Thomas's Charity. The money will be spent on desperately needed sensory equipment to make any baby's/child’s stay in this part of the hospital, no matter how long or short, as enjoyable and educational as it can be, under the circumstances.
Also we are endeavouring throughout this climb, to highlight just how important organ donation is. It is such a difficult subject and one that is surrounded by cultural beliefs, as well as very personal feelings and deep emotions, but .....we may still have our baby girl, if a suitable heart had become available in time.
Thank you for taking the time to read this story - please donate generously for this worthwhile cause, whilst spreading the word of how important organ donation is!