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The £10,000 challenge

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Welcome to the  £10,000 Challenge.

My Dad will have left a big gap in the charities pockets, he would help out, give cash to and encourage. I want to ensure this gap is not felt and have set myself this goal to channel good from the sadness and hole left after losing Dad in Jan 2011.

This page will link through to all the events, past and present that have taken place and from this you can contribute and donate.

We will run many events that may not contribute to this total and will be offline but we will be promoting them online as best we can. 

If anyone else is inspired to join and wants to do some fundraising, feel free to add yourself to the team. You can also contact me on and see if it is something we can do together/if you have an idea you want to share.

I hope to make a scrap book for this, so any stories people have on charity events Dad took part in, please please let me know, I’d love to add them!




Dad, Ade, Adrian, Big C, Mr C, Stokie, Fattie, Jelly Belly... 

I always knew you were involved in charity, always knew you were generous. I am sure over the years you have sponsored, raised and helped out in so many events, that without you there will be a hole that needs to be filled.

I have set myself a target, it may take me a life time, to raise £10,000 for various charities and make sure I continue the precedence that you once set.

It isnt going to be easy, with take a lot to think of new ways to raise cash that isnt just badgering people for money, but am sure with the help of others, time and a little inspiration I will get there. You were always strong and could fight hard, you proved that to me many a time, it's my turn to do it for you now.


Heres to some years of events to make this happen.

Phillippa. xxx

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Raised: 80%

Team target: £10,000.00

Raised so far: £8,013.17

Team members

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Member photo Name Fundraising progress Raised so far
Fundraiser icon

Phillippa Cheshire

Good Vibrations

44 donations



Fundraiser icon

Mark Aldridge

UK Triathlon

41 donations



Fundraiser icon

Phil Borodajkewycz

Take a Worm for a Walk

29 donations



Fundraiser icon

Mark Aldridge

Mark's 'the fixed gear up'

14 donations



Fundraiser icon

Phillippa Cheshire

Pips Pub Quiz

5 donations



Fundraiser icon

Phillippa Cheshire

Sheffield Fathers Day Walk

4 donations



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Phillippa Cheshire

Macmillian Coffee Morning 2010

1 donation



Fundraiser icon

Phillippa Cheshire

Kathryn and Friends Bath Half

0 donations



Charities we support